Curious to see what would happen to your business and your brand if you took your brand to the next level with stylishly curated photographs that look and feel like they were taken when you were feeling at your most confident and creative. But most of all have these images available everyday to engage with your online clients?
Click image to download PDF.
Portrayed Magazine is a marketing tool to brand and market you and your company to an audience that like to have something tactile to look at a high quality magazine that’s all about you and your business.
I will shoot corporate headshots of all key individuals follow people in a normal environment and show you all at your most confident and professional. The magazine is definitely image heavy, punctuated with interviews and other editorial relevant to your history and forward thinking approach you business has to that sector.
All Portrayed Magazines are unique so a cost is difficult to give in a broad sweeping terms but costs of around £1200 seem to be average. A fairly small price for a unique piece of marketing and brand recognition.